
A day off

My days off will hopefully include taking out the trash, returning movies, tracking down and buying Tartine Bread, going for dinner with Marvin for his birthday (Happy Birthday Marv), making something, visiting work, welcoming home my man, seeing friends, and developing some film! Hopefully.


Coming up Daisies

I am starting to have a clear idea of the direction I want my life to take. Finally.


Bad Girl

my brunch, new york style cheesecake (fav!) by me
details to come.


Chicken Noodle Soup

Okay so this is not quite cooking for one, but I had a bunch of random veggies that were threatening to rot if I didn't use em up. Seriously, they were on the edge. So, culinarily disinclined me, took it on myself to make a (mostly) home concocted chicken noodle soup. This ones all me, aside from the main stars. (Side note: I am trying to devour a second helping as I type this up) It's darn tasty and will last me the rest of the week with some to spare for a willing soul or two. I'm sure for those experienced and talented cooks out there it is no secret, but for the folks who are like me let it be known: cooking is an EXCELLENT way to build your confidence, not just in the kitchen but in life. I guess it's about being well rounded.


Tomato surprise

With the old man at sea I've been left to fend for myself. This is especially intimidating when it comes to meal time! I'm not much of a cook, or a great baker; I think I've found the key though. Cooking for one! He always wants me to cook for him, but I get all nervous and shy and can never commit fully to an extravagant meal. I think the main deterrent is the idea that what I'm digging he might not be, in addition to never having prepared a really super yummy meal, ever.

I think it's all going to change for the better though. I picked up Judith Jones' The Pleasure of Cooking for One at Chapters and after reading it a lightbulb went of. Something just clicked. I'm not afraid to eat crappy food; over cooked pasta, tough chicken. I'm not afraid to choke down a meal gone wrong. And so I become fearless in the kitchen! My first attempt at following but not following a recipe was on a simple spaghetti with homemade tomato and garlic sauce.

I found the recipe at Use Real Butter, the Ship's Captain's Tomato Garlic Sauce is a really simple and kinda fun recipe. I've never blanched anything before, and found it really funny to be peeling tomatoes and scooping out the guts! Maybe because it was my first time, maybe I was just really enjoying the pleasures of cooking - for me! Anyhow, I had a really great time and that led to me making bread later on that night!!!!!! That's another story though.