Justice's Genius
DVNO by Justice Dir: So Me
I meant to check this out the first time I heard about it. It will make you smile.
Going but not Forgotten
all i want to be is someone that makes n3w things and thinks about them
Words: John Maeda
Happy Birthday

Alex + Chloe Antler Charm. Antlers rock my world.
Update: My dearests Michi and Eveleen bought me this for my birthday, spurring tears from my dry eyes. See me wearing it in the Self Portraiture post.
It's Spring Again
Cartoon Sky

Already Triton, at his call, appears
Above the waves; a Tyrian robe he wears;
And in his hand a crooked trumpet bears.
The soveraign bids him peaceful sounds inspire,
And give the waves the signal to retire.
His writhen shell he takes; whose narrow vent
Grows by degrees into a large extent,
Then gives it breath; the blast with doubling sound,
Runs the wide circuit of the world around:
The sun first heard it, in his early east,
And met the rattling ecchos in the west.
The waters, list'ning to the trumpet's roar,
Obey the summons, and forsake the shore.
-Ovid's Metamorphoses Book 1

Picture perfection. Photographer Boogie has a very precise knack for telling a story through pictures. Exactly what I aspire to produce when I'm snapping away. These are just a sample of his stunning work. I'm head over heels for this, thanks for the inspiration Eveleen.
Pictures Courtesy: ArtCoup
Saved by the Afro
WARNING: NSFW - Naughty Language
Bitch I Stole Yo' Purse - Wendy Ho
My friend e.v.e emailed me this video. I think it's great, not just for the ridiculous rap parody elements and fun, witty lyrics, but also because e.v.e sent it to me. She really knows how to pick 'em.
Bitch I Stole Yo' Purse - Wendy Ho
My friend e.v.e emailed me this video. I think it's great, not just for the ridiculous rap parody elements and fun, witty lyrics, but also because e.v.e sent it to me. She really knows how to pick 'em.

I was walking up the street with my mother. Hanging from a white iron fence was Colonel Custard. This is the name I gave him. On his backside there is a tag that reads, Made by: B.C. Girl Guides. Much later that day, well into the night, David, Moe and I were boarding the last train East. I held Colonel Custard in my arms. A woman asked me if that, pointing to another seat on the train, was mine as well. When we looked closer we saw that there was another bear there. Moe picked it up and brought it over. Dudley, the name I gave him, is the same style bear as Colonel Custard, and no kidding, he has a tag on his backside that reads, BECAUSE WE CARE BC Girl Guides. Dudley was made much more recently than Colonel Custard.
What are the odds?

I read about designer Rachel Comey in the recent issue of Corduroy, which led me to her website and an immediate need for her Fall 2008 collection. The shoes are a highlight! as is the outfit in the first image. WOW.
Photos Courtesy: Style.com
True Blues
I'll always be there for a friend in need, but I can't promise I'll be the friend you need.
I realized the other morning while dressing for work, that I'm the type of person who listens to one song on repeat while getting ready, for anything. That's not the only type of person I am, but I had to wonder who else was the type of person to do that. I know in a world with a population of billions, there is bound to be millions who do the same thing. I guess I'm just one of them.
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