I was walking up the street with my mother. Hanging from a white iron fence was Colonel Custard. This is the name I gave him. On his backside there is a tag that reads, Made by: B.C. Girl Guides. Much later that day, well into the night, David, Moe and I were boarding the last train East. I held Colonel Custard in my arms. A woman asked me if that, pointing to another seat on the train, was mine as well. When we looked closer we saw that there was another bear there. Moe picked it up and brought it over. Dudley, the name I gave him, is the same style bear as Colonel Custard, and no kidding, he has a tag on his backside that reads, BECAUSE WE CARE BC Girl Guides. Dudley was made much more recently than Colonel Custard.
What are the odds?
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